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The drying equipment industry in China began to enter a more mature stage

Tags:Drying equipment, dryer
  The drying equipment is widely used in many industries, such as pharmaceutical, chemical and other industries. At the same time, with the continuous improvement of the technical level of industrial production and the demand of consumers, higher technical requirements have been put forward for the drying equipment. The application of drying equipment in petrochemical enterprises is very common, which is for the service of petrochemical enterprises. Therefore, it is greatly influenced by the industry economy. This year, the overall economic operation of the petrochemical industry is not optimistic, and it is a challenge to the dry equipment industry. The real impact is small businesses. Big businesses haven't been affected too much. Some big businesses only have narrowed their profit margins, and their output value has not declined.
  For example, microwave vacuum dryer is a new type of microwave technology and vacuum technology combined with the application of microwave equipment can, it has a series of advantages of microwave vacuum drying and vacuum drying, overcomes the disadvantage of long period and low efficiency, the materials in the drying process, the efficiency can be increased 4~10 times than that of the conventional method. Dry with high yield and good quality, low processing costs, microwave vacuum drying equipment is a set of electronics, vacuum science, mechanics, thermodynamics, control science and other disciplines as one of the high-tech products, is the basis for further research on the material physical change, internal and external heat exchange and water transfer process under vacuum conditions in the drying process on a new technology developed.
  The technological content of the drying equipment shows the leading role in the first place. Since 2004, the development of the national chemical industry has been continuously improving, and the market of the drying equipment is in a steady and promising way. The production enterprises generally get good business performance. At present, the remarkable feature of the chemical industry in drying equipment service is that the role of technical content is becoming more and more prominent. This is very different from the price competition in the past. Among them, some drying equipment has high technology content, and the efficiency of manufacturers that focus on developing new products is increasing. On the contrary, the benefits of some products with low technology content and weak development of new products and new technologies begin to slide.
  After more than ten years of development, China's drying equipment industry has entered a more mature stage, which can better meet the actual needs of users in various fields. In view of the "green" advantages of vacuum drying equipment, it has been widely applied. In the field of food and drug drying, the demand for large size vacuum drying equipment will gradually increase, and the market prospect is very huge.
  Experts said that when exploring the new development way of drying technology, we must consider comprehensively the energy efficiency, environmental protection and product quality, so as to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. In order to carry out the development strategy of high efficiency and green drying, we should first take the resource saving development road, and change the single rough drying to the combination and intelligent drying. It is necessary not only to fundamentally transform the drying process, but also to carry out comprehensive and multi-level energy saving technology transformation, and vigorously develop the drying technology that applies renewable energy and industrial waste heat.
  Compared with the commonly used oven drying and spray drying methods, vacuum continuous drying has many unique advantages, which can ensure the quality of products is much higher than that of other drying methods. Vacuum continuous drying equipment and technology have the advantages of low temperature drying, less effective components destruction, loosening and easy absorption, drying and sterilization, so as to ensure high effective ingredients, high sterility index and oral absorption.
  Insiders pointed out that domestic enterprises have accelerated the study of vacuum drying technology, and some enterprises have made breakthrough progress, which reduced energy consumption and reduced pollution to a certain extent, and brought more benefits and values to the society.
  Although there is still a certain gap between the domestic drying equipment production and the developed countries, the advantage of domestic equipment is gradually established, and the leading role in the domestic market is basically achieved. Vacuum drying equipment will become the mainstream of market demand. The domestic industry must raise the level of technology, improve the drying efficiency and reduce energy consumption, contributing to the realization of green production.
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